GTA San Andreas vs. GTA IV (part 2)

One short video this time, it's December 30th. Happy New Year to everyone !!
Surprisingly, the braking distance looks about the same. Still, the GTA IV car is slower, has a much sluggish acceleration, so that would mean a longer braking distance.
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queensoft spunea...

Draga nenea sarac cu duhul Neica Petru, daca nu ai scrie obscenatitati, nu le-as mai sterge.
EU nu stiu engleza?! Braking / Breaking?!
Ia cauta matale frumos un dictionar. Ia sa vedem cine are dreptate:
1. BRAKING - - to apply the brake on a vehicle
2. BREAKING - - to separate into parts with suddenness or violence
Deci, cine are dreptate, meşteru' lu' peşte ?!
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