La Multi Ani 2009 / Happy New Year 2009

GTA IV Hitler parody

Funny like hell !!!
Avind in vedere ca au fost scoase de pe YouTube si majoritatea site-urilor similare, am gasit aici clipul: GTA IV Hitler parody

GTA San Andreas vs. GTA IV (part 2)

One short video this time, it's December 30th. Happy New Year to everyone !!
Surprisingly, the braking distance looks about the same. Still, the GTA IV car is slower, has a much sluggish acceleration, so that would mean a longer braking distance.
Video YouTube HD:

Spatiul liber pe hard

Informatii despre spatiul liber/ocupat
De cite ori vi s-a intimplat sa observati ca merge calculatorul greu din cauza spatiului liber foarte mic pe partitia unde este instalat Windows? In continuare, va ofer citeva solutii pentru aceste probleme.
Windows are, implicit, o functie ce avertizeaza asupra spatiului liber putin.

Citeste continuarea...

Ce tipuri de fisiere am in calculator (afisare extensie)

Windows, cit ar fi el de bun, mai are si anumite scapari. Una dintre ele este faptul ca ascunde extensia fisierului. Extensia este ultima parte a numelui fisierului, aflata dupa punct. Aceasta extensie identifica tipul de fisier si spune Windows-ului cu ce program sa deschida acel tip.
Din cauza ca windows ascunde implicit aceasta extensie, ne putem trezi cu mai multe fisier care au, aparent, acelasi nume. Pot fi diferentiate doar prin icoana, dar aceasta nu spune prea multe despre fisier, deoarece fisiere diferite pot avea aceeasi icoana, ca in exemplul de mai jos:

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Blue Screen of Death - dezactivare restart

Celebrul Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) marcheaza o eroare grava a unui sistem de operare Windows.

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New free stuff - Windows Vista DreamScene

HD 1280x1024 MPG - Download mirror 1
HD 1280x1024 MPG - Download mirror 2
HD 1280x1024 WMV - Download mirror 1
HD 1280x1024 WMV - Download mirror 2
SD 800x600 MPG - Download mirror 1
SD 800x600 MPG - Download mirror 2
SD 800x600 WMV - Download mirror 1
SD 800x600 WMV - Download mirror 2

Spectacol de Craciun 'Dai o Sansa'

Spectacol de Craciun 'Dai o Sansa'

Tutorial Ultimate Boot CD

Ultimate Boot CD

Ultimate Boot CD (UBCD) este o colectie de programe de test, utila in diagnosticarea diverselor probleme hardware ce pot aparea la un calculator.
CD-ul (adica imaginea descarcata) este bootabil, deci nu are nevoie de Windows sau alt sistem de operare instalat pe calculator.

Site-ul oficial este acesta:

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GTA San Andreas vs. GTA IV

Up until now, I was a huge fan of the Grand Theft Auto series.
Now, with the release of GTA IV, I'm very dissapointed.
There's way too much "realism" in the game.
The car handling is rubish (braking is awful), the camera is very sluggish (can't corner at all), walking speed of Niko is not very gangsta like (try to escape thugs at that speed, you're long dead).
If I want realism, I just go outside and drive my car!
Also, the sheer size of the game, around 15 Gb, is just scary! How much cr*p can R* pack into a game?!
Watch a small comparison (more coming soon), now in all glorious YouTube HD quality.

Merry Christmas / Craciun fericit

Merry Christmas
Craciun fericit

Free DreamScene for Vista

Another freebie!
Abstract seamless loop for DreamScene. It comes both in MPEG2 and WMV format, resolution 1024 x 768. Should look good on your desktop.

Download MPEG2 mirror 1
Download MPEG2 mirror 2
Download WMV mirror 1
Download WMV mirror 2

How to make a Backup CD with Nero

Using this short video tutorial, you can make in a few minutes a backup copy of any disc (CD or DVD).
Use the full screen button, I think you can understand the buttons/menus more clearly.

Un nou tutorial, in limba romana - Super Disc

Mai multe premiere in acest post:
- primul post in limba romana
- primul post folosind noul browser Google Chrome
- primul tutorial in limba romana (ma rog, asta cam seamana cu primul, dar merge, la gramada)

Sa incepem. Este vorba de un tutorial pentru crearea unui Super Disc. Acesta va contine kiturile de instalare Windows XP si Windows Vista, un Linux Live CD - Puppy Linux, un disc de utilitare - Ultimate Bood CD si un antivirus - Avira Rescue CD.

Super Disc

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Give away of the day - Vectorial stock images

Not much time today, many friends to go to.
So, just some quick stock vectorial images, kind of dark, spiders and other creepy crawlers.

Download mirror 1
Download mirror 2

Download mirror 1
Download mirror 2

Citeste continuarea...

Does Google hate Romanian or just Internet Explorer ??

Google translate, using "state-of-the-art technology" which "achieved very good results in research evaluations", sometimes screws things up really, really bad.
Just try this little piece of text:
I use Internet Explorer
I use Google Browser

The Romanian translation you get is:
Nu utilizaţi Internet Explorer (this means "do not use Internet Explorer")
Eu folosesc browser-ul Google (this is translated OK, of course)

The really funny part is that the translation is OK in any other language I can understand (French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish). Please let me know if the translation is OK or not in other languages.

My work sample (1)

Motivational slideshow
Gather meaningful royalty free images from the Internet, find some royalty free audio tracks, edit the audio track to the desired length, put together images and audio, tweak image order and transitions, add (almost) subliminal messages (watch it closely or you'll miss them), save final video, upload to YouTube.
If you want to know in more detail what programmes I have used, where do I got the images and audio, just drop a comment.

Friend link and embed test

Give away of the day - Vectorial stock tattoos

Another freebie offering today.
Vectorial love tattoos. Adobe Illustrator EPS format, free to use for you. It would be nice if you could send back a link/picture with the designs in use or just drop a comment if you like'em.

Image 1 - download mirror 1
Image 1 - download mirror 2

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How to add a custom favicon to Blogspot

The favicon is that little icon appearing in the Address field of your browser, just before the address of the site you're visiting.
The default Blogspot favicon if a small white B on orange background.

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Whopper virgins - hot or not ?!

As you probably don't know , I'm from Romania.
Should I be offended by this so called "taste test"?!
I mean, yeah, we're not the most advanced or civilised country in the world, but we like to think we're on the right track.
At least we should be happy they have chosen some decent country folks for these tests, all dressed in traditional clothes.

But the fact that people 15 minutes away from Bucharest (Romania's capital city) have never heard of a hamburger it's pretty darn weird. They should have picked some mountain folks, in the middle of nowhere. I'm pretty sure you can find that kind of people even in today's great US of A, people who are completely oblivious to the fact that there's such a thing as hamburgers and don't know that Obama, their elected president, is black!! No offence!!

Give away of the day - Fur TV wallpaper

Free Fur TV wallpaper. High resolution (2048 x 1536) image with the awesome Lapeno, Fat Ed and Mervin.

Donations are welcome

All donations help me in getting some free time, in order to post here and bring you nice freeware software and tutorials.